Saturday, April 18, 2009

a replica of the island of sodor

Aiden is a Thomas the Tank Engine fan. He can name all of the characters, he talks about the various episodes, and tries to recreate what he sees in Thomas videos at his own train table.

My little creative genius.


  1. There are so many different engineers you can be, even a train engineer.

    Thomas is so busy going up and down the track and being helpful to other trains I can certainly see you following that track (pun intended).

    You've always been an organized player, like your Daddy. He too liked order, everything in its place. Oh that doesn't mean that he can always find everything, heck no. Your great-grandfather Charles, your Bobba Steve and your Daddy could all be working with something, say a tool, put it down, exactly where they were working, and misplace it. Then that Italian tempter starts to boil, they get LOUD, and their hands fly into the air. They accuse other people of taking it. Yes, they are very vocal at this point. I pray you NEVER, EVER inherit these genes.

    Stay calm and cool when you are driving a train.

    xxxooo Nana Beth

  2. Your Mommy is right-you are a creative genius! How fortunate you are to have the wonderful table and all of the Thomas trains and box cars that go with it. I know several little boys and girls that have gone to see the Thomas the Train in person, put on a show and have their picture taken with Thomas. You are so smart to know all of the names of the characters. That isn't any news flash, huh!!
