Wednesday, June 24, 2009

good ol' fashioned horseplay

What's he smiling about? He just finished a marathon horseplay session in the pool with Uncle Dullah. Basically Uncle Dullah throws Aiden up into the air probably a good six feet and Aiden comes crashing down into the water...the bigger the splash; the bigger the smile on Aiden's face.

I have a feeling he's going to be an extreme sports guy. The other day I cought him watching skateboarders on a halfpipe on TV. When I asked him what he was doing he said, "watching skateboarding....I like it when the do the big jumps and fall".


  1. There is no doubt in my mind, especially after I saw the video of your Dad and you on the scooter flying down the driveway!! I imagine that you don't have a chance of being anything but an EXTREME GUY!!! Live life to the FULLEST!

  2. What can I tell you? Remember this boy has some P.T. Barnum genes in him and then there is his Bobba Steve, his Daddy, his uncles...all with a bit of dare-devil and wild size in them. I'd venture to guess EXTREME and Challenging would go hand in hand.

    The day I was swimming with Dullah and Aiden Dullah threw him into the air 18 times if he threw him once. All Aiden did was beg for more. Dullah's arms were getting tired but that's all Aiden wanted to do was FLY!

    I can see him at a theme park merry-go-rounds for him.

    It's nerve wracking. Sharon's son, Shane, was the high adventure thrill seeker. She knows what she's saying when she life to the fullest.
