Thursday, June 18, 2009


Dear Aiden,

This morning you asked me how the coffee maker worked. You helped me pour the water in and saw the marker go up to six. You helped me measure out 1-2-3-4-5 tablespoons of coffee into the filter. We talked about how coffee beans grew and were harvested and dried and ground. I told you about the Kona Coffee Plantation I visited in Kauai.

You turned the lever to start the brewing and heard the machine gurgle and sputter.
You told me how you help Daddy make his espresso and he helps you makes your pretend espresso. You click cups together and drink.

Before I put the coffee away you asked to smell it. I held a tablespoon full up and you took a mighty whiff and got coffee up your nose. It must have hurt because you started to cry. I felt terrible.

I got a tissue and asked you to blow your nose, only a little came out. You blew again. A little more came out. You stopped crying and said it felt a little better. All of a sudden you sneezed, not a little silly sneeze but a sneeze from your toes.

KAAAAAAA-CHOOOOO! You could have blown the roof off with a sneeze like that. You sprayed coffee grounds on your pajama leg and your arm and the counter.

Teresa, Sky, and I laughed so hard. You smiled your shy smile and said softly, “Now you can’t call me coffee-nose.”


Nana Beth

1 comment:

  1. Aiden, Your Nana Beth is really learning some good tricks from you. Who has EVER heard of a "Coffee Nose" anyway? Stacie makes my coffee every morning and she brings the entire coffee can over for me to smell it, so I know what you wanted and now so does Nana Beth!! LOL!!!
