Wednesday, June 3, 2009


So Aiden is really into Batman. Though he innocently refers to him as "Fat Man". Seems all the boys in his preschool class are into Batman and Superman. I've corrected Aiden about ten times on "fatman" but he doesn't care. I think he thinks "yeah right mom, like you'd know." Apparently Ryan and Nicholas are more credible sources of super hero information because I heard both Nick and Ryan also refer to him as "fatman" when I stopped by Aiden's classroom today to pick him up.


  1. Batman...Fatman...they are all alike those super heros. Plus Batman has been around for so long he probably has a bulge in his tummy and gray hair and glasses.

    Beauty is in the eyes of the little worshipers.

    xxxooo Nana Beth

  2. Fat Man or Bat Man, you are the GREATEST!!! What ever the title, you are awesome!
