Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Grandpa

Aiden calls my Dad "Bobba" or "Bobba Rahman" and Adam's Dad "Bobba Steve". The other day when I went to pick Aiden up from school he was in the middle of telling his classmates and his teacher about the deer tracks in our backyard. I heard him say "I went to the woods with my Grandpa and we found deer tracks and deer poop". I found it interesting that he was using the word "Grandpa" rather than "Bobba" when talking to someone outside our family. How about that?


  1. Aiden, you are so smart! Of course, this is no surprise to your Mommy and Daddy, but it truly is amazing that you can refer to your grandparents using both Farsi and English languages. I happen to have Greek and Italian relatives that use a different name for the grandparents. Leave it to you to surprise your Mommy.

  2. Thanks Sharon! It is really amazing to see a child grow up bilingual. While he clearly favors English, its really neat to see him switch languages depending on who he's talking to.
