Sunday, February 15, 2009

how do you say that?

While driving home earlier this evening Adam and I were eavesdropping on Aiden and Sky's conversation in the backseat.

Aiden: Sky, there's Ma'Jon's (my grandmother) house. But she's not there now. She's at the hop'able.

Sky: yeah, at hop-ul.

Aiden: No, Sky. Say hop-able.

Sky: ha-ul

Aiden: No No. Say hos

Sky: hos

Aiden: now say abul

Sky: awul

Aiden: now say hop-able

Sky: has-ul

Aiden: No, no Sky. It's hos-pa-bul

Sky: ha-sul


  1. So glad that you two communicate!! I know Mommy has to enjoy the conversations.

  2. Ma'Jon would be so happy they are remebering her and talking about her. Aiden is so patient in teaching Sky to talk, good for him.

    Mommy is so smart to write all these little stories down so we don't forget them. Each one is more sweet than the next.

    Keep up the great work Laila. Your story telling genes are fantastic!

    xxxooo Nana Beth
