Sunday, December 5, 2010

our self-soothing baby

Adam was putting up the Christmas tree. Aiden was being as loud as he could be fighting an imaginary Darth Vader with his new lightsaber. I was tending to a cranky, feverish Sky....Nicolas decided to just put himself to sleep and ignore all the chaos around him.


  1. Nicolas you are MY kind of man...sleep through the chaos and get your zzz's. You'll be a better boy because of it. And your Gread-Grandmother Weymer would be so happy to see her little changing pads being used again for the 3rd time with you. Your mom was so appreciative of those when she received them as a gift for Aiden and never knew how used they would be. She's looking down at you boy and smiling from heaven.

    xxxooo Nana Beth

  2. A "Rossi" man who can sleep through anything. As they say these days, "THAT'S HOW WE ROLL!"
    This picture is priceless.
