Saturday, December 11, 2010

purple belt!

Checkout the belts, Mom!

Master Yi and Aiden

and graduation...

He makes it look so easy.


  1. PURPLE!!!! Are you EVEN kidding me? How very, very, very awesome is that?

    I bet every board on houses you pass and constructions sites are shivering in their boots. They are very frightened you bust 'em in two. You've got some strong powerful kicks and hands and one very smart head full of brains. There isn't anything you can't do.

    Congratulations! I've very, very, very proud of you Tae Kwon Do boy.

    xxxooo Nana Beth

  2. Your Nana Beth and Bobba Steve must have the buttons busting off their shirts from the pride they feel for all your wonderful accomplishments. Aiden, you are such a great guy!!

  3. Look at the form!
    Look at that style!
    Look at the way you follow instructions!
    Look at that strong kick!
    Look at that broken board!
    You can't see it but you should look at my face
    ...I have a smile all over my face.
    Congratulations Aiden!
