Saturday, October 3, 2009

ice cream at the town center

They thoroughly enjoyed their ice cream.

You'd think they were in Paris.

My very expressive little girl.


  1. Aiden are the bandaides on your knees before or after free climbing the retaining wall? Inquiring minds want to know.

    I think you got your ice cream licking genes from ME...I'm all about the ice cream. Yum, Yum, YUM! Same some for me.

    XXXOOO Nana Beth

  2. No, the bandaides are from tripping while running with flip flops on earlier in the day. I should have listened to my mommy. Oh well, live and learn.

  3. Your Mommy will probably have to take out stock in the Band Aid company to keep up with your boo boos! I have a feeling there are a lot still to come.
    Love the Town Center and gosh, that ice cream looks so yummy!! Lick a couple times for ME!
