Sunday, July 12, 2009

spidey and sporty go to the gym

Uncle Dullah and Natalie took Aiden and Sky to the Monkey Business while Adam and I were in St. John. Here they are all ready to go to the gym.

Sky about to start her routine on the gym floor.

When they're having fun, they are so good to each other. It's when they're bored that they start picking on each other.


  1. WOW!! What a really neat place to go and have fun! I can hardly believe you, Sky are almost as big as your brother. I can see that he wears the "pants" in the pair of you. Such great fun and good pictures-priceless memories of great times.

  2. Aiden & Sky, You'll find every little gym on the planet and go at it. What fun for two children who have ACTION as their middle names.

    Go, Go, Go and Jump, Jump, Jump and Run, Run, Run and Fun, Fun, Fun!!
