Friday, March 27, 2009

my bet is...

...this little girl is going to want a dog for a birthday present one of these years.

Here she is with my brother's dog, Holly.


  1. Yeah...I think she's gonna want a Holly of her own pretty soon :) Super cute pic!

  2. Ms. Jennifer Kennedy, I've noticed you only comment when the post is about Dullah (or in this case Dullah's dog). We all love Dullah but could you please comment on the real "stars" of this blog please??

    I'm only kidding. Thanks for reading the blog. I'm flattered and appreciate your interest.


  3. Haha! You are right, I guess. ;-) I defintely follow the blog though and love checking in every couple of days to see what the kiddos are up to!!! xoxo

  4. Sky,

    I think you and Holly have a good understanding. You look very relaxed and at ease with her and she looks comfortable with you.

    Dogs are great pets and fun to play with outside. I think you would be a very good friend to a dog, Sky.

    xxxooo Nana Beth

  5. I always knew that you would be an "Animal Lover". You have that quality and I know that your Mommy and Daddy have their cats, but I bet you will try to drag home every abandoned "CRITTER" you find, because you have such a big heart!
