Thursday, October 30, 2008

cranky girl

Sky is in the process of cutting her ninth and tenth teeth - the canine teeth. Her gums are super swollen and she is VERY fussy. She asks for milk and then throws the cup on the floor. She fusses like she's hungry and then refuses to eat once she's in her high chair. When she's really fussy, she follows me around the kitchen holding my leg and begging me to pick her up. Seconds after I pick her up, she wants to be back on her feet. Poor little girl.

While I can handle a fussy little girl, little Aiden is having a very hard time. He tries very hard to be patient with her when she grabs his toys, pulls his hair, scratches his face, and even throws his snack on the floor.

Me: Why is Sky so fussy?
Aiden: Her teeth are hurting.
Me: Why are her teeth hurting?
Aiden: (sigh) I dunno. I dunno. (he walks away)


  1. Oh, Aiden, please give Sky extra love and understanding right now. Her little gums make her cry and fussy because those very important teeth are pushing through her gums. I know you don't remember when you were fussy from teething, but be patient with her. She will always be there for you.

  2. Well my darling Sky the good news is that soon your teeth will be in and work beautifully. You won't remember how painful it was for them to grow. I think you'll get tired of being fussy because you are too happy and life is fun.

    Aiden I am very proud of you being so patient and understanding. It's tough to be a big brother but you will find many rewards in it too.

    xxxooo Nana Beth
