Wednesday, October 22, 2008

chipmunk mania

Lately the chipmunk population has at least tripled in the wooded area of our front yard. Perhaps they're scrambling to gather nuts before the winter arrives or maybe the red-tailed hawk that's been living there has moved on and the chipmunks are running around free and clear ...i don't know. Aiden and Sky love watching the little buggers run amuck in our front yard.

Aiden: Mommy, I have surprise for you...
Me: Really? What is it? What is it?
Aiden: You see that chipmunk?
Me: Yeah. Is he my surprise?
Aiden: Yes, but you can't bring him inside. He likes outside not inside.


  1. Aiden, I am with you, I enjoy watching the chipmunks and squirrels run around on the ground and up the trees, but they can sure make being a home owner rough sometimes. I know what your Mommy and Daddy think when they see them and it isn't what you are thinking. You will understand all of this when you get older.

  2. Dear Aiden,

    I am glad someone is keeping track of those little critters to see what they are up to. They need to gather everything for winter and I hope none of them are goofing off. If you see a lazy one, tap on the window, tell him to get back to work or he'll be very hungry when there is snow on the ground.

    This is a big job but I know you will keep the vigil. Let me know what happens.

