Friday, July 18, 2008

mommy driving to fast, again!

Aiden: Mommy, you're driving too fast.
Me: I am? (i really was)
Aiden: Police man will give you a ticket.
Me: Oh yeah, I guess I better slow down.
Aiden: Drive gently. You gonna get a ticket.
Me: Okay, I'll drive a little slower.

>>>5 minutes go by<<<<

Aiden: You're doing it again, Mommy.
Me: Doing what? (forgot)
Aiden: You're driving fast again! Please slow down.

Who teaches him this stuff? Not me. I don't know where he gets it.


  1. Right, Aiden, your Mommie doesn't know where you get these things from??!!! I promise I won't tell her that First. You are a Rossi. Second. You are a Male. Third. You are way too SMART not to share your Knowledge! Fourth. It sounds like Mommie may need a "Co-Pilot". Of course, Aiden, you know, Mommie is one busy lady and we know you are just trying to HELP!

  2. He's spending too much time with his grandparents obviously...

  3. Aiden,

    Your grandparents are very smart to drive sensibly and you are very wise to follow their example.

    There is a time and place for the Dale Ernhart's of the world.

    Nana Beth
