Thursday, July 3, 2008

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. - Albert Einstein

On the ride home from school today Aiden told me a story. Here's how it went to the best of my recollection:

Aiden: At the lake there are big boats. Lots of trees - everywhere. In the trees is a monkey's house. The monkey jumps. Big big jumps into the lake. He doesn't fall, he JUMPS. Doesn't fall.

Me: Wow! And the monkeys swims in the water?

Aiden: No, a duck swims in the water. The monkey sits in a boat throws foods for the ducks.

Me: Oh. I see. So he's a nice monkey and he feeds the cats.

Aiden: No Mommy, listen. Aiden said ducks, not cats.

Me: Oh yeah. Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Aiden knows that Mommie is suppose to hear EVERY word he utters and understand them as well. Aiden knows his Mommie loves him very much and will ALWAYS listen to every thing he says. Right, Aiden?? I knew you would agree!!
    You are a very lucky young man to have a Great Mommie!!
