Friday, March 14, 2008

he fixed my car

Yesterday Aiden "fixed" the front wheel of my car. He brought out all of his tools - hammer, screw driver, wrench, bolt and nut, etc. He worked on my tire for a good ten minutes and then came over and told me that it was fixed. Okay, sounds great. I gave him a big hug and a sincere thank you. Over dinner he told me several times how my wheel was broken and how he had fixed it. I could see how proud he was of his accomplishment so I indulged him a bit more. I pick up the phone and pretended to call Daddy (who wasn't home yet). Here's how my pretend (real to him) conversation went.

Me: Hi Adam, did you know my wheel was broken?!

>>Aiden is eating his dinner and listing intently to my conversation.

Me: Yeah, my wheel was totally broken and I couldn't drive my car anymore. I couldn't even go to the office!

>>Aiden has stopped eating dinner and is really eavesdropping on my conversation with Daddy (or so he thinks).

Me: Yes, it was completely broken. But don't worry, Aiden got his tools and fixed it. Yeah, he had all the tools...a hammer, a screw driver, a wrench and he even had some screws. He worked on the car for a while and now it fixed! Totally fixed and I'm so happy!

>>Now Aiden is smiling ear to ear and is really proud of himself.

Me: Yeah, Adam, so when you come home, you can just relax and read a book. You don't have to fix the car because Aiden already did it!

>>That last statement put him over the top. He looked so proud and so happy with himself it was adorable. I looked over at him and he tried to conceal his smile and went back to eating his dinner. He is such a little Adam.


  1. What a Great Mommy you are? You understand how little boys like taking care and fixing things. I only wish you had a picture of that "look" when he realized what you had said to his Daddy.
    Thanks so much for sharing these priceless moments with us.

  2. Yes! That look is priceless and it really doesn't last long enough to get out the camera...I just have to get lucky at some point to get that shot.
