Thursday, March 6, 2008

they stick together

Earlier today I caught Aiden helping himself to cookies in the pantry. One cookie was okay but more than that and he'd ruin his lunch so I locked the pantry after I explained to him that it wasn't a good time for a snack. Well, that resulted in a mini-tantrum. No biggie. I ignore the tantrum and he usually chills out after a couple of minutes. Well, now he has an ally - Miss Sky. When Aiden cries Sky gets very upset. While the crying in stereo is a little much, it is heart warming to think that they care so much about each other already. She has a very tender heart!


  1. I really can't blame you for crying. It hurts to have a brother cry, might as well join in. You have no idea what cookies are yet and trust me I wish I didn't love them so much myself. One day you will know the pain of hearing, "No more cookies Sky." I might even cry with you because I can't seem to stop with one or two either.

    One of life's big hardships.

    Thanks for being a comfort cry for your brother. You are a very thoughtful young lady.

    xxxooo Nana Beth

  2. Hey Mom, Ther is NOTHING like being doubled team. My Shane and Stacie pulled this card on me many times, even when they became adults. Children always know the right "MOM" button to push. Sky will learn soon that it will work for her too. Aiden is just too smart for himself!!!

  3. Thanks Sharon. Yes, he does know exactly what button to push and when. And it didn't take him very long to figure it all out...
