Sunday, March 16, 2008

teeth clean, brush yucky

Right now our biggest challenge with Aiden is brushing his teeth. He does NOT like to brush his teeth at all. We actually wrestle him down to the ground and force open his mouth every night. It is such an ordeal. Our pediatrician said it would get easier with time but I don't see that happening. We've been brushing his teeth daily for almost 2 years now and still no improvement in his attitude towards brushing. We've tried bribery, singing songs, saying the letters a-e-i-o-u, and practically standing on our heads...still he doesn't want to brush his teeth.

Today he actually tried to give me an excuse..."Aiden teeth [are] clean, Mommy. Aiden not eating dirty. See aaahhhhhh. Aiden brush dirty. Yucky. Brush yucky. Aiden teeth clean. See aaaahhhhh."

Nice try Aiden.


  1. As are most boys, Aiden is going to be harder to get him to brush his teeth. Shane was harder than Stacie. My Mother lost her front tooth when she was pregnant with me and had to have a partial plate put in. When Shane gave her a fit about brushing his teeth, she pulled her plate out and showed him the gaping hole where her tooth was and told him if he didn't brush, his teeth would rot out or he would loose them for not taking care of them. For years, my Mother's birthday present to Shane was to have his teeth cleaned or fixed and he loved it. He was always self conscious about his teeth.

  2. I'm willing to try anything to make this boy like brushing his teeth.
