Saturday, August 4, 2012

aiden at science camp - mummies!

Apple - mummies!    Aiden learned about the process ancient Egyptians used to preserve bodies...except they used apples. By the end of the week, their apples were shriveled up but preserved.

Looking at mice jaws...mice bones regurgitated by owls.

Aiden made a chariot - the chariot was pulled by the lego robot her programmed below.

The kid had software programming in his blood.

1 comment:

  1. Apple it. How I wish I had Science Camp when I was a kid. Programing a robot...but of course...THAT boy apple doesn't fall far from the programing tree.

    Aiden this is all very exciting and you have just the right size brain to pack all that knowledge in...Go Aiden GO!

    XXXOOO Nana Beth
