Sunday, November 8, 2009

everything is a competion

Here's Sky claiming her spot on the back of the truck. She had just declared "I was here first, Mommy, not Aiden!"

Aiden and Sky have grown very competitive these days.

"Me first!"

"No! ME first!"

"I'm the winner!"

"No, I'M the winner!"

"Mommy, I'm being good but Sky's not behaving herself?"

"I sit next to Mommy!"

"No, I sit next to Mommy!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. Competion, don't ya just love?

    It is a constant and the best way to learn about taking turns and sharing. Just imagine the poor only child you never had to deal with this. He'd/she'd fall to pieces when the day comes that they don't get to be first or have theor own to therapy.

    This too shall pass and in the mean time...get ear-plugs.

    xxxooo Nana Beth
