Nora, the birthday girl turn four years old. Nora is about a month older than Aiden.
Sky enjoyed decorating and eating her own cupcake.
Nora's birthday guests.
Look at Aiden all slouched down in the seat, fully aware that he's the only boy on the couch.
"Mommy, there were no boys at Nora's party!" - Aiden
This is Tyler, the birthday girl's adorable little brother..and I mean ADORABLE.
Daddy likes to tickle Sky.
Daddy running the cotton candy machine at Nora's party. Aiden and Sky ate wayyyy too much cotton candy that night.
Those times shared with "Cousins" will live forever in their hearts and minds and will mold them to become the adults they become. I know, because I still remember all the good times with my cousins.