Saturday, September 19, 2009

he climbs like a goat

Aiden showing off his remarkable balance standing on top of a concrete sculpture.

He looks like he's doing a skateboard grind in this picture.

Aiden: Why did Uncle Dullah call me a goat boy?

Me: Because you are a good climber.

Aiden: Goats like to climb?

Me: Yes, they're always climbing.

Aiden: But they don't have a long tail like a monkey.

Me: Yes, but they have good balance and they're strong.

Aiden: Oh yeah, like me?

Me: Yup, like you.

He always hams it up when Uncle Dullah is taking pictures.


  1. When we were in Kauai at the Canyon we saw little wild baby goats climbing up impossible hillsides and jumps over rocks and balancing on top of others. It was amazing to watch how clever they were and how agile. Goat boy is a good description you. You do all those impossible things and make it look easy.

    The Goat Boy of Oakton, that's you!

    xxxooo Nana Beth

  2. I see that you are wearing your Curious George shirt, didn't anyone else notice????? You are not Goat Boy, but Monkey Boy... Curious George was a monkey who climbed all around to learn and see everything and you are exactly like Curious George!
