Thursday, December 11, 2008

seventeen months old today!

Sky turned seventeen months old today!

So what she like at seventeen months?

Well, to start with she's very strong and extremely active. She definitely keeps up with her brother. Some times they play together other times, she just copies what he does from a distance.

From time to time things do get a little aggressive and someone ends up getting hurt. Sky doesn't know her own strength and she really hurts Aiden. Aiden on the other hand knows better and even if he swipes at her he does it gently and cautiously. Thank God Sky is not a biter but she is a scratcher and pincher so poor Aiden has to be patient with her.

Sky's vocabulary is growing in spurts. Some days she says 3 r 4 new words other days not so much but she's definitely trying.

She's started potty training and doing fairly well with it. She uses the potty a few times a day and is very proud of her accomplishments. We give her two M&Ms each time she uses the potty and that's all the encouragement she needs.

She's a very good eater. She eats fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, rice, pasta - whatever. Like me, her favorite is good ol' bread.

The Interview

This video was taken right before bath time so she was a little tired and very distracted.


  1. Oh my goodness, Sky! You are growing way too fast, but you sure are one PRECIOUS little girl. Your vocabulary is growing too and that just shows how smart you are. Sweet Precious Sky!!

  2. Thanks Sharon. You know, I am so flattered that you keep up with our kids' blog. Its so exciting to know someone checking it out from time to time. I can only imagine how neat it will be for Aiden and Sky to read you comments when they are older. Thank you for commenting!!!
