Thursday, December 11, 2008

bad little wolf

Aiden has started saying the phrase "bad little wolf". He mostly says it when he's wrestling with his Daddy or his Uncle Dullah. Of course the whole time he's wrestling he's cracking himself up laughing so he can barely say the words. Anyway, I love the phrase and I can't get it off my mind. This morning while waiting in line at the coffee shop, I watched a guy sneak his way into the front of the line. I was so tempted to call him out on it - "you bad little wolf!".


  1. I like that phrase and I may have to borrow it from time to time. You are so smart!

  2. Everyday I can see someone who is acting like a "bad little wolf." Little wolves are usually very good and mind their Mommy and Daddy and do just the things little wolves should do. Every once in a while there is a bad little one who is going to get into trouble. I'm glad you know the difference. I like the good little wolves myself. :-)

    XXXOOO Nana Beth
