Sunday, August 3, 2008

mmm watermelon

Aiden's new favorite fruit - watermelon. He couldn't get enough of it. After the feast he looked down at the front of his shirt and couldn't believe what had happened.

Aiden: Mommy, someone spilled juice on me!
Me: What?! Someone spilled juice on you? Who?
Aiden: The watermelon (big grin on his face)


  1. Aiden, this year the watermelon is the sweetest and tastiest it has been in years, I don't know why, but it is so juciy, even I have to be careful not to get juiced by the watermelon!

  2. Hi Adien,

    You ARE a fruit bat! You are one of the best fruit eaters I know. The next time you go to Kauai you won't need Daddy's help to climb a tree for bananas or mango.

    How are the blackberries in your back yard? Delicious I bet...if there are any left after you finished playing.

    Keep up the good work fruit bat.

    xxxooo Nana Beth
