Monday, August 25, 2008

Aiden and Timur

Aiden loves it when you throw him up into the air when we're at the pool. He'll beg to be thrown over, and over, and over again. After about twenty throws, my arms feel like Jello. On Saturday I didn't get into the pool so poor Tim had to entertain him.


  1. aiden,

    next time we will work on your back flip.

  2. Wow, that looks like great FUN!!! You should be so happy to have Timur to be able to throw you up so far in the air!! I can see you are going to be a daredevil, much like your Uncle Caleb...

  3. Tim you are so hired...full time your price. You can't get exercise like that in a gym...pumping Aiden really is the ultimate challenge.

    Looks like Aiden could go on and on. Makes me wonder what it takes to wear that boy out.

    xxxooo Nana Beth
