Wednesday, February 27, 2008

a very long weekend

Over the past week everyone in our house has had a cold or flu with all the trimmings - sore throat, congestion, achy muscles, low grade fever, crankiness, etc. Over the weekend Aiden spiked a high fever and we were really concerned. Against our better judgment and per our pediatrician's advice, we took him to an urgent care clinic. As soon as he said he had a "tummy ache" with a high fever, they concluded that it was appendicitis. We were then transported to Fairfax ER for more test including a CT scan. I felt so sorry for Aiden. He is so active and keeping him still for blood work and an IV was just torturous. Because there was a possibility of an operation, he was not allowed to have any food or drinks. The poor kid just kept saying "mommy, apple juice pleeeeeaaase, apple juice pleeeeeeeeeasse." For hours upon hours it was like wrestling a bear while trying not to alarm the bear. After a 12 hour day of testing and waiting they finally confirmed that it was NOT appendicitis and probably just a stomach virus...UGH!! I was ready to karate chop something. Anyway, another virus he has undoubtedly brought home from day care.

As of today, things are improving. He is slowly getting better. The fever is mostly gone and he is just starting to take a nibble of food here and there. Lets hope he's better soon!


  1. So sorry to hear about all the illnesses and Nana Beth let me know about the ER run you guys made. I was so scared for you. I know when my kids were little, I would much rather be sick myself, than have either of them sick. It is a true test of a parent's patience, when your child is ill. I have kept your family in my prayers all week and glad to hear everyone is on the mend. God Bless all you, Sharon Patsell

  2. Thanks for the prayers, Sharon! They must have worked 'cause he's feeling a lot better now.

  3. I am very happy Aiden is feeling better! - Bobba

  4. He is definitely feeling better but still eating very little...he takes after Adam. They both don't eat when they're sick.

  5. His school makes him sick. You should take him out of this school!

  6. After all of this exercise...his immune system will be invincible!

  7. Poor thing! I am glad to know he is better. I need to get over and visit you guys... :)

  8. Aiden is doing much much better. I am keeping him out of day care for another week to make sure he is totally recovered and rested before he is exposed to some other germs. He is happy as a clam staying home but I know it will get old soon. Thanks everyone for your calls and emails.
