Saturday, February 23, 2008

Aiden fix something

Aiden's new thing is to "fix something". He walks around the house with plastic screwdriver and a hammer looking for something to fix. He can fix the knobs on the kitchen cabinets, the legs on the chairs, the door hinge, Sky's crib, he even works on electronics such as the baby monitors, cable boxes, or you name it. If you ask him what he's doing he responds in a very serious and a don't-bother-me-right-now tone "Fixing something, uh, its broken, Aiden fix it."


  1. Sign of a TRUE ROSSI man!!! Always have to be fixing something!

  2. Last weekend, before he got so sick, he was very helpful when I was working on the bathroom. He now knows the names of the different tools, and when I was on a stepstool, I would ask him to get me a screwdriver or wrench or whatever, and he would take it out of the toolbox and hand it to me. Also, whenever I dropped a nail or screw, he would snatch it up and hand it back to me. He has really turned into a good little helper!

  3. Adam you are so dear to let Aiden "help" you fix things. You are making him feel important and teaching him teamwork, coordination and so much more.

    You grew up helping to "fix" things here around the house too. Yes it does slow down the project and you may trip over him from time to time. He will remember those bonding times when Aiden and Daddy "fixed it."

    xxxooo Nana Beth
