So there's a tooth that's been torturing us...well, Nick first, me second. Last night, Nicolas woke up crying, drooling, pulling on his gums...obviously bothered by the one remaining canine tooth (bottom right) cutting it's way through his gums.
After an hour and half of sitting in his bedroom rocking him back to sleep as he twisted, turned, fussed, cried, screamed, and repeated throwing his pacifier only to immediately retrieve it and pop it back into his mouth, I gave up and took him down to the living room. I've had this rule ever since Aiden was born that in the middle of the night, we do not engage in any other activities ...the lights must stay off, we must talk in a whisper voice (if at all), we don't play with toys, we simply read and rock until the child is back to sleep. So last night, I broke my own rule (I guess I gave up) and took Nick downstairs, we played with his airplane, we played at the train table, we read books, and we built structures with blocks. When his pain got really bad, we even watched TV to get his mind off his gums. After about two hours of this nonsensical activity he was finally sleepy enough to go back upstairs and get into bed. The next morning Master Nicolas slept in until 8:30 but I had to be up at 6:30 to get Aiden and Sky off to school.
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