Sunday, December 25, 2011

christmas in oakton

Milk and cookies for Santa...

Aiden's a little suspicious about Santa...he's asked me several times if he's real.

Aiden: Mom, I know the tooth fairy isn't real. Santa's not real either, right?

Laila: Nope, Santa is real.

Aiden: I think Santa is just your parents.

Laila: Why do you think that?

Aiden: Because, how could Santa deliver presents for all the kids in the world in one night?

Laila: Well, he's got a lot of helpers.

Aiden: Yeah, like our parents.

Laila: Okay, if Santa's not real, how come I got a lump of coal for Christmas one year?

Aiden: You did? Oh man! Oh man! You must have been bad?!

Laila: Yup, and I couldn't believe it. I got nothing but a big lump of coal.

Aiden: Did you tell Santa I was only a little bit bad?

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