Tuesday, September 21, 2010

nicolas turns two months old today

His stats:

Height: 25 inches (97th percentile)

Weight: 14 lbs and 1 oz (90th percentile)

So what's he like at two months?

- He sleeps well - during the day in two hour increments (roughly). From 7 pm to 7 am he wakes up about three times.

- He smiles and coos a lot. He loves to hold long conversations with his cooing.

- Nothing is more interesting to him than his brother and sister.

- He loves to be rocked to sleep.

- He finds music soothing...classical music and top 40 stuff.

- On occasion he'll take a pacifier but he prefers the real thing.

- His digestion is very regular as long as I watch what I eat - NO DAIRY!

- He loves to be walked around while being held upright and facing away from whomever is carrying him...i think he thinks it's his own legs doing the walking.

- If he is crying or cranky he is immediately soothed by the outdoors.

Oh and he had the first cold of his life this week...thanks to a little virus gift Aiden or Sky brought home from school.

1 comment:

  1. Nicolas you are so busy for only being two months old. I'm sorry you had to get your first cold. I hope you build up so strong resistance to that and are able to fight them off all winter long. You are growing by leaps and bounds young man. Before you know it it'll be you on that scooter going 100 mph down the driveway.

    Keep it up, we love babies to grow up and become handsome little boys.

    XXXOOO Nana Beth
