His stats: Height: 25 inches (97th percentile)
Weight: 14 lbs and 1 oz (90th percentile)
So what's he like at two months?- He sleeps well - during the day in two hour increments (roughly). From 7 pm to 7 am he wakes up about three times.
- He smiles and coos a lot. He loves to hold long conversations with his cooing.
- Nothing is more interesting to him than his brother and sister.
- He loves to be rocked to sleep.
- He finds music soothing...classical music and top 40 stuff.
- On occasion he'll take a pacifier but he prefers the real thing.
- His digestion is very regular as long as I watch what I eat - NO DAIRY!
- He loves to be walked around while being held upright and facing away from whomever is carrying him...i think he thinks it's his own legs doing the walking.
- If he is crying or cranky he is immediately soothed by the outdoors.
Oh and he had the first cold of his life this week...thanks to a little virus gift Aiden or Sky brought home from school.