Tuesday, June 10, 2008

aiden's student

My mom calls Sky, "Aiden's student". Recently she's picked up a lot of Aiden's habits like (1) throwing food on the floor as she stairs you right in the eyes after you ask her NOT to do that (2) yelling to get your attention (3) spitting food out if she doesn't feel like eating (4) playing at the train table (5) moving constantly; never sitting still (6) stretching her neck just to get a glimpse of the TV (7) being content only if she is outdoors (8) generally getting a kick out of suprising you in any way


  1. I do believe there is an OLD American saying, "Monkey see, Monkey Do!!" and Sky has fallen prey to that. Big Brothers are great to teach us many good things but they also teach us just a few not such good things. Usually it all works out in the end!!

  2. When I called yesterday and spoke to Aiden he told me a chipMONK was in his yard and he runs very fast. I was happy for the nature report and glad he's observing.

    - Nana Beth
