Wednesday, July 11, 2007

big brother at the hospital

A few hours after Sky was born, Aiden came to visit at the hospital. He arrived with Grandma, Bobba, Dullah and Natalie around 4 pm. As he came down the hall, I could hear his foot steps and chatter. I so looked forward to seeing the expression on this face at first encounter. He had no idea where I had dissappeared to that day. All he knew was that he woke up and Grandma came to get him from his crib, not Mommy or Daddy.
As he walked down the hall, I called his name (he almost walked right past the door). Then suddenly he stopped in his tracks and ran into our hospital room excited and sort of confused like "what are you doing here?" and "why are you in a bed" and "what are you wearing?". Without any hesitation he jumped up on the bed with me. I hugged him -- you'd be amazed at how much I missed him in just a few hours. I then introduced him to Sky "Aiden, here's your baby Sky". I really wanted him to know she was his and he was hers...perhaps that would hedge off any jealous feelings. Well, guess what? It worked. He loved her from the first minute he saw her. He was super sweet to her. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life.

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