Thursday, February 1, 2007

Aiden's first sunrise in Kauai

We had a fourteen hour flight from Washington, Dulles to San Francisco and then to Kauai. We left home at 6 am and we got to Kauai at 5 pm the same day....but don't forget the 6 hour time was a long long trip. Aiden did fine on the flight. We didn't get a seat for him but we did fly first class and sat at the front row so he had plenty of room to stand and stretch. For a 14 month old, he was awesome on the airplane. We arrived at the house in Haena, Kauai (north shore near Hanalei)and immediately went to bed. The next morning we were still on Virginia time and we were all up at 5:30 am Kauai time. Not much to do at that hour but to go out and watch the we did.

The pictures above were taken on the beach in front of our house called "Tunnels Beach". This was the first time, the first hour we were on the beach on this trip. Aiden was both scared and intrigued by the waves. The waves were a pretty good size although you couldn't tell by looking at these two pictures.

I love the dramatic "save me" pose above. The reason he's in such distress is that he has sand on his hands...he really does not like sand on his hands.

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