Sunday, February 12, 2006

tummy time!

So my pediatrician has put the fear of death in me with this "tummy time" stuff. She stresses about a 1,000 times how important it is for Aiden to get lots of tummy time. She says otherwise he won't be able to start solids in a couple of months and he won't learn to crawl. So the neurotic mom that I am, I give Aiden lots and lots of tummy time although he absolutely hates being on his tummy. As soon as I put him down on his tummy he fusses which makes me uncomfortable and uptight.

Ya know what? I think there truly is a "mom gene" that lowers women's tolerance for a baby crying. Every time Aiden starts crying I have this urgent need to comfort him and stop the crying. Adam on the other hand can totally stay calm even if Aiden is screaming his head off. Aiden will be screaming bloody murder and Adam is just sitting next to him calmly reading his book. I don't know how he does it. It must be the "dad gene". The picture below shows Adam holding a screaming and crying baby Aiden and instead of calming him, Adam continues to tease Aiden because he think he looks cute when he cries (i'm shaking my head as I write this).

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